Which German manufacturer cars to buy: BMW or Mercedes


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German cars and quality have long been synonymous for many. It is worth noting that in the history of any manufacturer there have been frankly unsuccessful projects and largely failed models. The brands Mercedes and BMW are no exception.

At the same time, it is impossible to say something bad about these companies. They offer advanced technology, the highest level of safety, exemplary ergonomics, and the best finishing materials. When it comes to the best cars, Mercedes and BMW cars are always on the leaderboard, and sometimes even take the first positions.

There is an eternal question that hardly anyone will ever give an accurate and maximally objective answer. It deals with which of the two brands is better. You can try to answer it by comparing the cars of the two companies according to different characteristics and parameters. But still, every motorist and ordinary car enthusiast has every right to personal opinion and choose his own favorite in this complex and largely equal confrontation.

Main characteristics

The two German auto giants have only conditional rivalry and confrontation. For the enterprises themselves, there is no significant difference as to which is better - BMW or Mercedes models. In fact, companies are closely related to each other, which allows them to always be at about the same level.

The similarities can be seen in the actively used rear-wheel drive, the same ignition locks, the longitudinal arrangement of the power units, almost identical spring suspensions and many other little things.

But the manufacturers' philosophy is still different. The main focus of BMW is on the creation of powerful, aggressive, dynamic and fast cars. These are cars for those who want to prove their superiority, squeeze the gas pedal to the floor and rush in a straight line ahead of all their opponents.

Mercedes takes a slightly different approach. The main line of cars is designed for comfortable and fast movement at the same time. Such cars are not afraid, unlike BMW, but are respected. And that's a huge difference. If necessary or desired, the driver can squeeze the gas pedal and catch up with the owner of the BMW, since in terms of dynamics he is not inferior to the Bavarian. But usually buyers of Mercedes cars do not want to prove anything to anyone. They know what their car is capable of and that's enough.

To try to determine the favorite in the confrontation between the global brands Mercedes and BMW, they should be compared according to several main characteristics and parameters. Namely:

  • reliability;
  • service and pricing policy;
  • representativeness of the brand;
  • motors and chassis.

First, you should go through these points. Then you will be able to find out what are the differences between the cars of the two brands, and what are the features of each of them.


If we talk about reliability, experts and popular thematic magazines call Mercedes cars the most reliable cars. Among the classic sedans, representatives of the E Class hold a confident leadership, but the GLK is the most reliable crossover. Such conclusions were made not on the basis of some opinion polls, but on the basis of the results of numerous tests and trials.

In terms of reliability, the confrontation between Mercedes VS BMW does not allow us to name an unconditional favorite. In many ways, these are the benchmark brands that other automakers should be equal to. But given the aggressiveness and attitude of BMW owners towards their cars, they break down more often. It is difficult to say whether this is due to more active exploitation or not. All other things being equal, Mercedes cars are still the leaders in reliability. Needless to say, if this fact is recognized even by notorious fans of the Bavarian automaker.

The status of Mercedes as a manufacturer of extremely reliable cars is also confirmed by the fact that these cars are most often purchased for work in various services, elite taxis, etc. Entrepreneurs and government agencies will not rely on conditional short tests. Only after real tests can it be shown how reliable the car is. And Mercedes has confidently demonstrated its worth over the past decade.

Mercedes is also supported by the fact that it was the specialists of this company that developed advanced braking systems, improved belts and airbags, which were then adopted by all other companies, including BMW. This allows us to answer the question of which car ended up being better in terms of reliability, comparing Mercedes and BMW. And Mercedes wins in this component.

Pricing policy and service

Quite a fair question is that among BMW and Mercedes cars it will be more expensive to maintain. It is worth considering right away that both brands do not exactly belong to the list of cheap cars in terms of their cost and operating costs. If you are not ready to spend at least a few tens, and maybe hundreds, thousands of rubles a year on the maintenance of the car, you should definitely not look closely at the options from the BMW and Mercedes concerns.

Most buyers of new cars from the two leading German auto companies hardly look first at the cost of the cars. But you need to look at the financial aspects of their further maintenance and service.

Let's start with the pricing policy for the new cars themselves. According to the data from the official dealers of Mercedes and BMW operating in Russia, the cars of the two German brands are expensive, and the prices for the new models are at about the same level. There is full parity here.

But over the past year, interesting statistics have been noted. The fact is that BMW applied a more loyal pricing policy, due to which the cost of cars decreased slightly. Mercedes didn't change anything. Because of this, a small, but still cost advantage is on the side of BMW.

At the same time, the question of the cost of the car is considered more significant. That is, potential buyers are interested in what is cheaper among Mercedes and BMW cars in service. Here both brands are positioned as very expensive in terms of operating costs. Only spare parts for the cars of the Bavarian automaker turned out to be somewhat more expensive in comparison with Mercedes. But there is also a downside. Finding parts on a BMW requires less effort and time.

One of the key items of expenses is a visit to a gas station. Only high quality fuel is suitable for these vehicles. Those who buy diesel versions should be especially careful when choosing a gas station. These engines are economical and efficient, but if you fill in bad diesel fuel, you will have to spend a lot of money on repairs and replacement of elements.

Fuel consumption depends on the specific vehicle class and the installed engine. There are several more fuel-efficient cars available in the Mercedes lineup. The bulk of BMW engines have increased power, due to which the level of fuel consumption increases.

It should be noted that, subject to increased performance, engines from BMW and Mercedes are created on the basis of modern and advanced technologies. With a relatively small volume of the internal combustion engine, they manage to extract an impressive amount of horsepower from it without prejudice to the motor resource. As a result, the motors are powerful and economical with excellent dynamics. Even large crossovers can consume up to 10 liters of fuel in a city, moreover, gasoline. And diesel versions do show a consumption of 5-6 liters per 100 km, while having at least 150 horsepower under the hood.

Representativeness of brands

Mercedes and BMW have been competing for the title of the most prestigious and elite brand for many years. And this confrontation will never end. This is exactly the feeling that has been developing lately. The Bavarian concern BMW immediately gives an answer to any project from Mercedes. But not vice versa. And this is the key point.

If we talk about which car brand is better, comparable cars BMW and Mercedes, then the priority should be given to the last brand. Bavarians often act as catch-ups in terms of representativeness and prestige.

Given the philosophy of BMW and Mercedes' approach to car creation, this state of affairs should not be surprised. BMW is in high demand among young drivers and thrill-seekers. Cult serials played an important role specifically for Russia in this. BMW has created for itself the status of a manufacturer of high-speed, fast and extreme cars. Yes, this is largely due to the real technical characteristics and capabilities of these machines. But stereotypes also added some points in the formation of the image.

At the same time, it is important to compare the technical characteristics of the cars of the two brands. And it turns out that they are approximately equal. In some cases, Mercedes even breaks out into the lead.

As for Mercedes cars, their level of representativeness and prestige is much higher. After all, it is these cars that businessmen, influential people, and officials prefer to take. Mercedes makes it possible to feel like the master of your own life. At the same time, the owners of Mercedes cars do not strive to prove anything to anyone. They are confident in their vehicle, and they know if they step on the gas pedal, and the BMW car roaring nearby will be left behind with a high degree of probability. The only problem for the BMW driver is that Mercedes owners are not eager to compete and prove their superiority.

Although it is important to note that Mercedes has also become a kind of hostage to stereotypes. At the same time, the manufacturer himself has nothing against them. After all, such machines are usually used by officials, high-ranking officials, large and successful entrepreneurs. So the public opinion is being formed that Mercedes is a sign of success.

If you choose a car between the two presented brands, then you need to build on what you want to get. Young and passionate drivers choose BMW for their sporty and aggressive nature. But business people, according to their status, are supposed to choose Mercedes.

If desired, stereotypes can collapse in an instant. No one will argue that the BMW 7 Series will be a great option for a businessman, and when equipping the Mercedes E Class with spoilers and sports body kits, you will get a great car for a young and daring driver.

Motors and chassis

In terms of running gear and steering, it is difficult to identify the obvious favorite. After all, Mercedes offers exceptional steering control, fast and smooth maneuvering at the same time. The perfect balance of brakes, gearbox, steering, clutch and motor is found here.

BMW offers a more aggressive driving style with sharp cornering and a complete sense of control. At the same time, there is no noticeable roll even in fast corners.

It is also problematic to answer the question what will be faster among Mercedes and BMW cars. It depends on the specific model and modification. Every car company has extreme versions. In the case of BMW, the so-called M-package is offered, while Mercedes has variations of civilian models with the AMG prefix.

This is not a completely objective comparison, since the speed in both cases can, in theory, reach incredible values. But all cars are equipped with electronic bracelets. These are special electronic systems that prevent cars from accelerating to more than 250 kilometers per hour. Taking them off is not recommended for personal safety reasons.

If we talk about sports achievements and participation in racing series, then Mercedes has much more success than BMW. That there is only one dominance in Formula 1 over the past few years.

Structurally and technically, Mercedes offers quite complex motors, which not all car services in Russia are able to service. At the same time, they are distinguished by an increased level of reliability and maximum service life. Here BMW is somewhat inferior.

Features and distinctive characteristics

You have already roughly understood how BMW differs from its competitors from Mercedes. But it is necessary to add some more clarity and add a few words about the cars of each of the two brands.

The front suspension speaks in favor of Mercedes. It is noticeably superior to the solution from BMW. Like Mercedes engines, many experts and car owners themselves call the suspension eternal. This is because the rated load is on the support beam and not on the machine body. Because of this, Mercedes was called indestructible cars.

But BMW also has something to answer to a conditional competitor. Here it is worth focusing on dynamics and steering. BMW creates the world's most highly efficient motors, which has been proven by experts.

The rear suspension of the cars of the Bavarian auto concern is exemplary in many respects. But the front structure does not have a high level of resistance to Russian roads. BMWs in particular are not designed for regular use in rural areas and in regions with downright poor roads.

Summing up

Surely many of you, even before the review, decided for yourself which car is better in the confrontation between BMW and Mercedes.

But it is worth summing up a few subjective results. This will help some people decide what to choose when offered in many ways similar production options BMW and Mercedes.

Mercedes are marketed as passenger cars, except for some extreme models and sports modifications. These cars show themselves at their best in terms of organizing internal comfort, they are ideal for long trips. The Germans from Mercedes pay a lot of attention to the rear seats. These are noble cars on which conditional street racing is rarely practiced.

But BMW is chosen by those who want to get behind the wheel themselves, keep everything under their own control and get pleasure, true pleasure from the driving process. If you don't want to sit in the back, chatting with passengers or hanging on the phone, sorting through business papers, then take a BMW. This machine is made for you.

Choosing a car from either of the two manufacturers, you will definitely not regret the step you have taken. These are excellent, high-quality, modern and the most reliable and safe cars. Yes, they are expensive to buy even on the secondary market and are expensive to maintain and maintain. At the same time, German cars fully justify all costs.
